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Class Catalyst

I was approached by Class Catalyst to collaborate with them on a new project they were developing: an innovative and easy-to-implement platform that would provide school age children with personalized mindfulness strategies. My job was to create the illustrations for the techniques and activities to help children with stress, self-expression, communication and self-awareness. Below are examples of some of the cells featuring my favorite 'children', complete with activity name.

While I was given a lot of freedom, there were priorities in my approach. The illustrated children needed to represent a wide range of backgrounds and identities. Each activity needed to have its own illustration, or 'cell'. For example, if an a stress-relieving activity had 7 different steps, each step had to be represented clearly. I would need to use symbols and icons to help relate some of the more abstract concepts. 

What started with one activity quickly developed into over 26, each with different instructions. As more activities were added, the task became more challenging, but together we were able to develop it into a successful self-care program, including an app, that they could tailor to individual schools, home environments and most importantly, the children themselves.

Copyright 2024 B.Love Art. No animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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